Friday, December 15, 2017

As One Door Closes...

Every year around this time I reflect on everything that has happened during the year.  This year has definitely been one of my most transformative years.  I have learned so much and feel like for the first time in a long time I am feeling good about life again.  From last year being one of the worst years of my life to this year being one of the best years of my life.  The one thing I want to document for future reference is that if I want to start seeing CHANGE the most important thing to do is to just START!  Things will eventually take off after that but you have to be willing to take that first step.  And the universe will always guide you in the right direction.  I 100 million percent believe that whatever you focus your time and energy on is how your life is going to be at the moment.  Of course there will always be bad days but the key is to see it as it is...a bad day and not a reflection of your life as a whole.  I’m excited to start the next chapter of my life as I continue to focus on being more proactive rather than reactive.  Thank you God for giving me another year of life.💝

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