Sunday, August 2, 2020

Reminisce a Time

Every time my post about my first Etsy sale pops up on my Facebook memories I smile and get this warm fuzzy feeling.  It is a special memory for me because you always remember your first.  I can’t believe it has been 10 years.  The neat thing was that I just knew in my heart that it was the start of a grand adventure and not just some random sale.  I used to pull a tarot card every morning to see how my day was going to be and they were almost always correct.  I remember pulling the Star card that morning.  I’ve learned so much through all the ups and downs, this has definitely been a huge part of my life and growth through the years.  Even though I don’t know which direction to take lately, I still believe that this will continue to be an important part of my life.  I’m forever grateful for opportunity and adventure💖🥂💖🥂💖

Monday, July 27, 2020

I Think I’m Alone Now

I hope enough time has passed to where I can write on here again without many people knowing and that all of my haters have moved on.  I need to go and delete all of my past blog links I shared on Twitter.  I’ve been doing so well lately that any slight indication of a toxic situation makes me physically ill.  I’m sure I’ve over exaggerated some situations that are probably not true but I believe that is part of my healing process.  As I go through my healing journey, I’m starting to value more good things in my life...people, places, things.  I’ve also been extremely sensitive to the energy around me.  I understand more the importance of making a good impression.  I regret all the times I lost control of my emotions.  I want to set a good example and for people feel comfortable enough to trust me.
I’ve been working on making new things for my shop.  I made a bunch of bracelets and tweaked a couple necklace designs.  It is always good to clean up and reorganize your shop every once in awhile.  It is funny to notice how much my taste has changed through the years.  Overall still the same but now I am making more items that I would actually wear instead of just putting stuff together because it looks good or the colors match.  Below is a pic of some of the bracelets I made.  I got a really nice email from one of customers today thanking me for her stuff and how much she likes them.  It totally made my night as I was so tired coming home from work today.  I took a day off last week and was slammed with emails this morning.  
I think I’m going to try and go to bed early tonight.  I know I say that every night but I’m really going to try this time.  It just helps me function better during the day.  Like right now I feel kinda down.  I haven’t checked any of my socials.  All I want to do is mind my own business, engage with good genuine people, and for toxic people to leave me alone.  I better go now because I can feel myself headed towards a ranting session.
I hope in a few months or years I will look back to see how much more I’ve grown as a person.  I’m sure I have since I last wrote 2 years ago but I am not ready to read stuff from that time frame yet.  When I am able to read it without cringing, I will know that I have healed.
I will write when I can.  No more themes or topics like before.  Just whatever comes up in my mind.  For some reason I get more random sales when I post an entry.  Maybe it boosts the traffic searches to my shop. Good night cyber world 😴🌎 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

10 Years

Long time no write!  Today I just want to document the 10 year anniversary of when I opened up my Etsy shop.  I wasn’t going to say anything because I’ve been inactive but then I saw a post on Instagram earlier today from a poet that posted a pic of herself and informed all of us that none of her family and friends know that she has that account and that she started writing again.  I totally understand where she is coming from.  Whether we want to admit it or not, other people ruin beautiful things.  Sometimes when we get a lot of exposure there is a lot of noise and we lose the core essence of why we started.  I’ve undergone a lot of changes since I last wrote.  Things in my life have definitely gotten better.  I’m in a good place but still struggling with some things.  Mostly with unlearning thoughts and behaviors I’ve developed while I was going through tough times.  But it seems the more I distance myself from toxic environments, the better my life becomes.  I can actually feel myself become physically ill when I’m around it now or when something triggers me.  The healing process is very lonely because only you know what is truly right for you but if you have something to believe in whether it is God or any guiding force to help you through, it will give you a sense of comfort.  I feel like I lost a lot of friends or people I thought were friends.  But there are a handful of friends that I truly cherish with all my heart.  This has been a very strange year.  The pandemic has forced us all to slow down and appreciate the simple things.  It has brought out sides in people that has never been shown before.  I don’t think anything will ever be the same again but that could eventually be a good thing.  There has to be balance for anything to work.  I’ve been doing a lot of purging, just getting rid of a lot of old junk and clothes.  It feels really good, the more I get rid of stuff the more energy I have.  I got rid of all the craft and jewelry supplies I know I will never use and keep only the ones I will use.  It makes things less overwhelming and more organized so that I have the motivation to create again.  I’ve also been keeping physically active since I last wrote.  Mostly walking and riding my bike.  And trying to eat healthy.  I have lost over 20 pounds but now it seems like I’ve hit a plateau.  Should I blame it on the pandemic?  Probably because that was when things started to slow down.  Oh well, I’ll keep doing what I’m doing and I am okay with where I’m at.  Overall things have been great for me and my family.  I get to work from home most days of the week and only go in to the office twice a week.  This has saved money on gas and the stress of getting up to get ready in the mornings and especially all the bad traffic!  I hope this becomes a permanent option for us, I don’t see very many people wanting to head back to office life anytime soon.  
That’s all I have for now.  I will definitely add more things to my shop soon.  I am going to make some bracelets today even if I don’t post any yet.  The nice thing about this business is that I can come and go as I please and things still pick up when I’m active again.  Here is a bracelet I made yesterday for the 4th.  The bracelet stones are made of labradorite which is a stone of transformation, strength, and perseverance and butterflies to me represent transformation and freedom.  Butterflies aren’t usually my favorite but they have been significant in my life such as when I got a butterfly tattoo a year after my divorce and how I chose to build my house in the Monarch subdivision.  
Until next time, whenever that is😅  

Thursday, May 3, 2018

It’s Gonna Be May

I can’t believe it is May already.  This year has really gone by super fast.  The weather is starting to be consistently nice enough for my son and I to take our daily evening bike rides.  Also, the city is offering free bike rentals all during the month of May.  It will be nice to take advantage of this to check out areas that we’ve never been to before.  On the 19th I will be volunteering a few hours at the Indigo Arts Festival, it is an event to support mental health awareness.  I think I will be at the information booth but I’m not sure yet.
So it has been almost 3 weeks since I opened up my Instagram business account and I am actually enjoying it.  Everyone has been so supportive and nice.  It seems like everyone has a different reason for being there.  I haven’t really figured out my goal yet but I know if I am consistent with it then it will lead me to other things.  Mostly I have been posting things from my shop, knitting projects, things I’ve made, pics of my cats, and subscription boxes.  I’ve also been posting daily positive motivational quotes in the morning and more deeper quotes or poetry at night.  I’m still reluctant to post more personal stuff but I think I will share a little here and there so that people get to know me better and maybe build a connection with my products.  Overall things are going well.  It hasn’t made any difference in my sales but I’m putting myself out there and learning a lot through observation and getting inspiration from other people’s pages.
That’s all the updates I have for now.  Crossing my fingers for a great month ahead👍

Friday, April 13, 2018

Stranger Things

Happy Friday 13th☠️ everyone, a great way to end such a strange week.  I’ve been spending a lot of time over on Instagram which is crazy because I used to hate it.  I think because I’m such a private person, I don’t like to share much of my personal life with most people.  But I do actually like engaging with others through shared interests and also learning new things so it has been kind of fun meeting all these new people.  It is also nice that I am able to connect with people that I know as well as reconnecting with old friends that I haven’t talked to in ages.  Mostly I have been setting up my account and putting myself out there.  I’ve been going on following sprees but I’m done for now.  I don’t want to overextend myself and I also want to be able to get to know more about these new people and build some solid relations.  But also because I got locked out 3 times!  So now I am not able to follow anyone new but occasionally it will let me follow a few people then lock me out again.  That’s okay, I think I’ve spent enough time on it and don’t need to focus on set up anymore.  Everything does feel different this week. I honestly never planned to open up a new Instagram account.  I was just bored and went along with whatever I was feeling at the moment and it just took off from there.  It’s nice to be able to shift my energy towards something more positive.  I’m aware that this change will take some time to get used to and I’ll probably fall back into some old habits but if I surround myself with the right people and situations then it will help make the transition a lot better.☠️

Monday, April 9, 2018

Follow Me on the Gram

I finally opened up a business account on Instagram a couple days ago.  I have a personal account but find that most people get annoyed when you mix business with pleasure so I’m playing around with it now to see if it works for my business.  I will post a variety of other stuff too.  Let’s see how long this lasts!  My username is karmickreations3.  I will link to my Twitter and Facebook business page.  Here is a screenshot of my page...

In other news I have been keeping busy with work and the transition into spring.  Now that the weather is nicer I have started up my daily walks in addition to my workouts.  It’s given me more energy and I am sleeping better at night.  I also have some events coming up that I am going to participate in.  The autism walk is in a couple weeks, always a great time with family and friends.  Next month I am volunteering a few hours at an arts festival that advocates for mental illness.  Maybe that will give me the motivation to start signing up for vendor opportunities again.  The first week of June there are a bunch of free yoga events for yoga awareness week so I’ll definitely be taking advantage of those.  Also my son and I are participating in the Bubble Run again this year.  That’s it for now.  I’m excited that winter is finally over, it was a real depressing one this time around.  Have a great week!🦄

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Less is More

 Lately I’ve been feeling like there is a major energy shift going on that will end up producing some much needed changes.  Maybe this is happening because of all the junk we’ve been getting rid of.  Since everything is made up of energy then it makes sense that something new will come along to replace it.  I’ve been pretty hypersensitive the past couple of weeks with high anxiety, higher than normal.  Sometimes it is best to step away for a little while when you feel like you’ve done all you could and nothing changes in order to prevent things from getting worse.  Stepping away also helps you to think more clearly because you are not distracted by all the noise that could distort your judgement.  I feel a strong urge to get rid of everything and to start over.  Basically go back to simpler times.💆🏻‍♀️