Friday, February 2, 2018

I’m on a Roll

I’ve been working super hard this week and really proud of myself for accomplishing more than I set out to do.  I was able to add a total of 11 new items to my shop this week!  It’s like once you get into a habit of doing things, it starts to become routine.  I work on the majority of my kreations and listing write ups at night.  Then I usually bring the finished items to work with me and take pics during my breaks and do a quick listing if I have time.  My goal is to keep at least 50 items listed at all times, right now I have 40.  After I hit that mark I can go back an inactivate any items that show the least amount of activity and replace it with new ones.  I probably won’t list any new items this weekend but will keep making new stuff to add for next week.
  Things have been changing a lot for me and my family the past few months.  It’s almost like a collective transformation is occurring.  I do believe it’s true that the people you surround yourself with have a huge influence in your life whether you realize it or not.  There’s been a lot of clearing out of the old to make room for the new, some wake up calls, and unexpected blessings in disguise.  It’s just been so strange lately but I do believe that we’re heading into a much more positive direction.  Just got to make it through these next few weeks!  Happy weekend to you all.🌎

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